Our Comprehensive Plan
Over the past 30 years, the Las Vegas Academy of the Arts (LVA) has been one of the leading Arts Magnet Programs in the country. It is our mission to go from Excellence to Eminence and provide the absolute best education, development, and opportunities for our students. Our giving plan offers a variety of ways for you to support our different initiatives and programs. We invite you to join us by investing in the future of the Arts at LVA!
For more information, please contact Megan Franke, Development Office Director, at habigmm@nv.ccsd.net or 702-799-7800 ext. 4123
Invest In Our Majors
The Las Vegas Academy of the Arts is a tuition-free magnet program that is within the Clark County School District. While we are tuition free, your financial support allows us to provide educational opportunities second to none. Our mission is Excellence to Eminence.
The Initiatives program allows you to select a major program or event to sponsor. Our Major programs include Theatre, Technical Theatre, Dance, Visual Arts, Graphic Design, Film/Video Productions, Photography, Band, Guitar, Orchestra, Mariachi, Piano, Vocal Studies, and World Jazz Studies. More information can be found by clicking on each major. We also have several Events that you can choose to sponsor, including our annual Smith Center concert and our annual jazz music festival, the Las Vegas Jazz Invitational.
For more information you can contact your students' major teacher or the LVA Development office at LVADevelopmentOffice@gmail.com,
or call 702-799-7800 x4123.
Bring the Best to LVA
Master Artist Series
All Donations to this program will go towards our Master Artist Series. A critical part of our program's educational enrichment is our ability to bring in guest artists, guest speakers, and industry leaders. The opportunity to learn from these Master Artists through Master Classes, lectures, residencies, and performances brings students in touch with what is possible in the Arts. It is one of the most inspiring parts of their experience at LVA. Interactions with these individuals can be life-changing experiences for our students. Guest artists have included jazz performer and recording artist Tom Scott, Composer Adam Gorb, Actor Mathew Gray Gubler, world-renowned Dramatic Mezzo-Soprano - Dolora Zajick, Composer & Conductor - Jake Runestad, Photographer/Gallery Owner - Mario Basner, Painter/Mixed Media Artist/SVA Faculty - Steve DeFrank, Hamilton Cast Member and Broadway performer - Thayne Jasperson, and Actor/Performer - Ben Vereen.
Friends of LVA
Friends of Las Vegas Academy was founded in 2001 as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization for the purpose of raising funds for the school. We share a passion for the transformative nature of the arts, we look for unique opportunities to collaborate with the Las Vegas community, and we appreciate the importance of sustaining Arts-Integrated Education in the modern public school system.
We are committed to making sure that all Las Vegas Academy of the Arts students experience a world class education.
Experience the Arts Gala: Imagine
11th Annual Gala
Virgin Hotels Las Vegas
February 7, 2025
Our 2024 gala raised over $90,000 and funded the second year of our Master Artist Series allowing our students access to top-notch artists within their field of study as well as funding other needs for the school. Additionally, our first nine galas allowed us to upgrade our technology with desktop computers, Chromebooks, purchase a whisper room, upgrade two of our theaters, fund a recording studio, a new piano lab, new dance floors, equipment for our print shop, new instruments, upgrades to our library, master classes for multiple conservatories, and scholarships for college, camp, and travel! As you can see, the funds raised from this gala are invaluable to our students’ experience while they are at LVA.
Invest In Our Potential
The Legacy Giving program is designed to build an endowment fund which will ensure the school’s future for generations of young artists to come. Including LVA in your estate plans provides meaningful benefits for the donor and the school. Investments from the endowment provide a stable source of income and help bridge the gap between the school’s annual budget and our needs.
For additional information, please contact
Brian Downey, Friends of LVA Director of Outreach, at:
bdowney@friendsoflva.org or 702-799-7800 ext. 4018
Parent Funding Agreement
The Las Vegas Academy of the Arts is a tuition-free magnet program that is within the Clark County School District. While we are tuition free, your financial support allows us to provide educational opportunities second to none. Our mission is Excellence to Eminence.
The Parent Funding Program was created to provide parents with an opportunity to contribute an annual donation to support their child’s arts education. The contributions are voluntary, and go directly to support your child’s major program of study. All donations are tax deductible.
For more information you can contact your students' major teacher or the LVA development office at:
LVADevelopmentOffice@gmail.com, or call 702-799-7800 x4123.