Welcome, Students, Parents and Guardians
There are many resources available to help you succeed at LVA. Our Administrative Team is supported by four offices, in addition to the Principal's Office. Please see below for a detailed description of each, and links to information on technology, activities and learning resources.
Off-Site Emergency Accounting of Students
This form is for students to inform the school of their location off-campus during a school lockdown emergency.
If you, the student, cannot get into a building during a lockdown, before school, after student, late arrival, or you’re arriving after an Open Period, here are your procedures:
Look for an escape route
Independently evacuate to an off-campus location
Go to the LVA website,
Click on the "Independent Evacuation" link
Fill out the Google Form to add your name and any other students' names who are with you and your location.
If you are injured, have information about the incident, or do not feel safe at your location, dial "911."
Once the lockdown is over, a staff member will be sent to pick up the students.
Curriculum Office
The Curriculum Office handles course offerings, student schedules, the master teaching schedule, and registration. The curriculum offered at LVA prepares students for almost any post-secondary path a graduate may wish to pursue. Through advanced courses, LVA expands opportunities for students to earn high school credits and begin work towards an undergraduate degree with credits offered by the College of Southern Nevada (CSN) and the University of Nevada - Las Vegas through Dual Enrollment, Career and Technical Education (CTE), and Advanced Placement (AP).
Counseling Office
The emphasis of the Counseling Office is to implement a comprehensive guidance and counseling program according to the State of Nevada's School Counseling Program Student Standards and the national standards set forth by the American School Counselors Association (ASCA). The counselor's emphasis is on promoting and enhancing academic achievement, career development, and social/emotional growth for all students. The program includes individual student planning, responsive services, and system supports within the guidance curriculum.
College & Career Center
The LVA’s College & Career Center which is a resource for students in assistance in post secondary opportunities. Students can obtiain information on college/trade school preparation, college visits on campus, and help with scholarship & FAFSA applications Students can seek out information on military options, part-time job referrals, volunteer opportunities, and internship opportunities. Visit the Student Success Center for books on college admission, scholarships, writing college essays and more. The College & Career Center assist students on test preparation with books and online resources to use for SAT, ACT, or AP exams. Be sure to check the
Naviance Family Connection to access information about colleges, scholarships, and career exploration.
Student Success Center
The Office of Student Success Center primarily oversees student behavior and attendance. Additionally, we also provide student DMV attendance certification. Students can request a parking pass or an assigned locker through the SSC office.
Student Absence Form
Communications & Student Achievement
The Office of Communications & Student Achievement focuses on documenting student success on all required CCSD and State Testing. Tests administered through the office include Advanced Placement Exams, Science Criterion Reference Exams, ACT, PSAT/NMSQT, English Language assessments, Nevada Seal of Biliteracy, Career & Technical Education Course End of Program assessment, and Workplace Readiness Exams.
The communications side of the office is responsible for gathering and disseminating information, accolades, and calendar dates to all stakeholders. Information is disseminated through the daily student announcements, Canvas announcements, website, social media, and LVA Weekly Update to students, parents, and LVA community. Contact Susan Thornton at thorns@nv.ccsd with communication questions or information to share with the LVA Community.
Activities & Operations
The Office of Activities & Operations is responsible for all school events, clubs, travel, and performances. Operations include facility maintenance.
The Activities office plans graduation, coordinate theater rentals, and assist students in making their activities visions come to fruition. In addition, we work with CCSD to ensure - to the best of our abilities - that LVA facilities are functional and serve the needs of our students, staff and families.
Equity and Diversity
Community Service
The Las Vegas Academy of the Arts Community is committed to helping families during these difficult times. Providing resources, both academically and within the community, is part of that commitment. This Community Services section is a resource for our students, parents, and the community.
AB 195 English Learner Student and Parents Rights
Assembly Bill 195 (AB195) revises provisions relating to pupils who are English learners. Approved by Governor Steve Sisolak on June 2, 2021, AB195 extends the rights of English learner pupils and parental rights. Section three of the bill included in these documents provides an overview of these rights.