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Starting March 18 Pass Required for Late Bus

LVA students and parents/guardians,

Student safety is a priority. Please understand that there is limited security and supervision after school releases at 2:00 pm. Students must exit campus after school except for rehearsals, club activities, tutoring, Extended Learning Time, and detention.

  • Students MAY NOT “hang out” on campus after school. There is limited security and supervision available after school.

  • If students are staying for one of the above after-school, authorized reasons, they MAY NOT leave campus and return to campus to take the late bus home. There is not enough seating on the late bus on days we have events.

  • If a student is staying on campus for an LVA event or performance, they must be under adult supervision at all times.

  • Students waiting for the late bus must remain with the adult associated with the activity or event in which they stayed after school.

  • If the after-school activity ends early, the student must report to the library, with their late bus pass, where there is adult supervision.

Beginning March 18, students riding the late bus must show a LATE BUS PASS stating that he/she was at a school-sponsored/supervised after-school activity/event. Parents are responsible for providing transportation to students who do not remain on campus [leave campus after school] or attempt to get on the bus without a LATE BUS PASS.

This information has been shared with students through Canvas Morning Announcements, through teachers, club advisors, and directors, Parentlink [3.8.24], and to students and parents/guardians through the Weekly Update, social media, and website.

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