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Senior "Reset" for Senior Activities

Senior students are getting a “reset” on attendance and behavior starting Tuesday, February 22, 2022. From February 22 forward, any senior with three or more unexcused absences, three or more tardies, or any behavior incidents will lose the privilege to attend any senior week activities, including Prom, Senior Awards Parade, and Gradnite.

Senior Week will be the week of April 19-23.

The Senior BBQ is Friday, April 22. Seniors must be on track for graduation to attend the Senior BBQ.

The Prom is on April 23.

The Senior Awards Parade is scheduled for April 30.

Gradnite is May 14-15. [Also, all senior fines must be paid to attend Gradnite.]

"Single-period absences will count as one absence as well under the "reset." A single-period absence is when a student is missing from a class and is unaccounted for." Any unsatisfactory citizenship grades at the end of the third quarter (March 11) will also impact participation in the planned Senior activities.

The first check will be when seniors purchase tickets for Prom and a second check when seniors come to Prom. Senior, don’t think that the time in between does not count. Additionally, another review will be right before the Senior Awards Parade to ensure that students are eligible to participate.

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