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Free CSN Success Course for Juniors/Seniors

CSN is making an investment in student success by offering a FREE, 8-week online course to interested high school juniors and seniors in Southern Nevada. The course is set to begin on March 20 and conclude on May 14. We are focusing on working with students:

  • Who are ready to experience a college course

  • Who may not have been exposed to a college preparation course

  • Who have not fully committed to the idea of attending college

About the Course

Students in this program will enroll in Academic and Life Success 101 (ALS 101), a college-level, transferrable course focused on exploring strategies to master academic and life success. The course will cover topics such as goal setting, time/priority management, memory techniques, and improving communication skills, as well as having a focus on wellness, diversity, and personal responsibility. Students who enroll in the course will also develop a personal higher education and career plan (great for juniors and seniors preparing for their next steps!).

All costs associated with the course will be covered by CSN – this includes tuition, fees, textbook costs, and technology costs (CSN will supply a laptop to those in need). Students must be able to access the internet on their own.

More Information

To learn more about this class, please RSVP to attend a virtual information session or visit to sign up. If you are unable to attend an information session, and you want to learn more about this opportunity please email

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