Welcome to the LVA
College & Career Center
Hours: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm Monday – Friday
Location: College & Career Center
(Located in the Counseling Office)
Stacy Miller - College and Career Coordinator
Phone #702-799-7800 ext. 4310

Welcome back LVA students and families!
Hello! My name is Ms.Stacy Miller, and I would like to invite you to the College & Career Center, LVA’s newest student support service! After 23 years as an English teacher here at LVA, I transitioned to College & Career Coordinator where I can offer my expertise in college essay writing and revision, application processes, and resume building, among many other topics.
While your time in high school will help you to prepare for life post-graduation, I am here to help you discover and design your pathway to that life through planning for college, career exploration (ex: military service), or technical training so that you can reach your goals and find happiness and success.
I can help you explore your career interests, identify your personal strengths and connect you to resources to enhance college acceptance results. Additionally, if you are interested in internship opportunities, on-campus summer fellowships, or joining the workforce during or post-high school, I can guide you so that you can experience positive employability outcomes.
Please stop by the College & Career Center to visit with Ms. Miller and routinely revisit our webpage to take advantage of the many guidance opportunities. Bi-weekly newsletters will be sent out via email with important updates.
You can also make an appointment with me by emailing my secretary at grahaaj@nv.ccsd.net or by calling the office at 702-799-7800 Ext: 4310.
I look forward to an incredible year of exploration and growth as we work together to ensure your high school experience prepares you for post-secondary opportunities!!
Ms. Miller
Common application vs
What is a Coalition Application?
The Coalition Application is focused on making college more accessible to historically underrepresented students, and its member schools are aligned with this mission. This means they must meet certain criteria regarding tuition costs, need-based financial aid, and graduation rates.
What is the Common Application?
The Common Application is a single online college application form used by over 900 colleges and universities. Instead of filling out the same general information—like your address, GPA, and extracurriculars— a dozen times, you only have to do it once. The Common App dashboard also helps you track necessary application documents (like your letters of recommendation) and important deadlines.
Western undergraduate
America’s largest regional interstate tuition savings program
The Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) is an agreement among WICHE’s 16 members, through which 160+ participating public colleges and universities provide steep nonresident tuition savings for Western students. Click here for the full list of participating WUE schools!
Through WUE, eligible students can choose from hundreds of undergraduate programs outside their home state, and pay no more than 150 percent of that institution’s resident tuition rate.
Since full nonresident college-tuition rates may exceed 300 percent of resident rates, WUE increases affordable higher-education choices for students, and minimizes the adverse impacts of student loan debt.
Scholarship Information
Scholarships are gifts. They don't need to be repaid. There are thousands of them, offered by schools, employers, individuals, private companies, nonprofits, communities, religious groups, and professional and social organizations. A scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student to further their education. Scholarships are awarded on various criteria usually reflecting the values and purposes of the donor or founder of the award. Please visit your counselor or stop by the College & Career Center if you have any questions regarding scholarships. Also, please revisit the College & Career Center webpage for available scholarships throughout the year.
Naviance Family Connection
One of your most powerful tools will be Naviance Family Connection. All Students will be registered for Naviance Family Connection at the beginning of the school year during their freshman year. Make sure to ask your child for his/her username (his/her email address) and password (student ID#) to gain access, as this account is meant to be shared as a family. College-related information and announcements are often sent via email through Naviance. If you are a parent and would like to receive the same email announcements that students get, you may add yourself as a parent on your student's profile page in Naviance
Advanced Placement
Dual Credit
Taking dual credit or Advanced Placement (AP) classes in high school can help you get a head start on college and save time and money as you work toward a degree. Earning college credit before graduating from high school can also put you on track to graduate in less time and with less debt.
Dual Credit
Many high schools offer dual credit classes that count for both high school and college credit. Courses are usually taught by a certified high school instructor or are offered online.
Advanced Placement
Advanced Placement or AP courses are designed to give you the experience of an introductory-level college class while you’re still in high school. They are usually taught by a certified high school instructor. You can earn college credit for the class if you pass the AP exam given at the end of the course.
It is a good idea to check with the colleges you are interested in attending to see if they will accept credit from dual credit and AP classes.
In most cases, payment is required to enroll in dual credit classes. Payment is also required to take AP exams to receive college credit. However, credit earned through dual credit and AP classes is often less expensive than completing the same courses in college.
To learn more about dual credit and AP classes offered at your high school, check with your high school counselor.
Citation: Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development